Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Volunteering Important

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Although Cowra has seen the end of winter sports for this year, the cogs continue to turn at committee level with many clubs beginning to source volunteers for 2022. At first glance volunteering can seem daunting, coming into a group of people who already work together in community sports can feel like the first day of school all over again. However, raising your hand to give up a little bit of your time each week is one of the most rewarding things you can do for your community.

A vast majority of junior sports can only operate because of volunteers and without them they simply can’t run.

Rural towns struggle to keep junior sports going and Cowra is no exception.

There are countless benefits to volunteering that outweigh the time commitment such as meeting other locals, learning new skills, becoming involved in a network of passionate people and experiencing that warm and fuzzy feeling after doing your part for the youth of Cowra.

There are multiple clubs who are putting the call out for volunteers and there is no need to be hesitant in applying. Their volunteer roles include coaches, ground managers, canteen manager and assistants, time keeping, social media managers, photographers, secretaries, treasurers, covid safe officers, team managers and much more. There are always ways to help and countless jobs that need doing on any given game day.

You don’t need to have an official committee role; you can simply just sign up to be a volunteer and lend a hand where they need you the most. Without a team of generous locals willing to help out of the kindness of their own hearts, game days can’t function.

Children deserve the opportunity to play sport in our amazing town and without volunteers those sports could cease to operate in Cowra making us just one of many rural towns who couldn’t sustain sporting clubs. Getting involved is not only proactive but also fun, and it paves the way for new friendships and life experiences. Giving back to the community is a tremendous thing and a beautifully humble feeling to walk away with at the end of a season. To find out more, reach out to clubs that you are interested in and express your interest in volunteering your time in the upcoming 2022 season.

By Jamie-Lee Farley,
Cowra Junior Rugby League Club


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