Special Cowra Vietnam Veterans 50th Anniversary Display At Cowra Library

The Cowra Family History GroupTogether with Terry Mills- Edwards who is a Librarian in Cowra has prepared a display in the Cowra Library which features photographs and memorabilia of some of those from Cowra who fought in Vietnam. 2023 marks 50 years since the last of the Australian troops left Vietnam after more than 10 years of fighting.
The courageous Cowra Vietnam veterans will be displayed – Edwin (Ted) Bennett, Hilary Boulding, Frank Bridges, James Cartwright, Bruce Holt, Angelo Lazarou, John Miller, Elwood Moyers, David Robinson, Geoffrey Russell, Harvey Tarrant, Barry Tucker and Daniel Wass.
In addition to images, the display also includes pieces of the troops uniform such as a shirt, boots, beret with an infantry badge attached, and cap.Personal good that were supplied to the soldiers such as a cup, canteen, steel, hexi burner, and plastic bag with a one-day field ration pack type C are also on display. Other items in the display include a call-up notice, a tin of foot powder issued to troops, some examples of Vietnam War propaganda, and a framed Welcome Home 1987 Concert Poster, as well as service medals, a dog tag (identity disc), and the recently issued 50th anniversary commemorative medallion.
This interesting and educational exhibition is free to view during the month of August, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and from 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays
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