Elders Emms Mooney – Above


Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

local news

Return Thanks

The family of the late Tony McLean wish to thank all of our family and friends for all the floral tributes, cards and messages of condolences. The family would like to give a special thanks to the nurses who cared for Tony at Cowra Hospital.

Please accept our appreciation for the support given to myself and family at this sad time.

Elaine McLean and family.

CINC To Celebrate NAIDOC Week

CINC will host its annual NAIDOC Week celebration on Monday 3rd July at Squire Park from 10:30am.

The event is open to everyone, with a march to start at 11am and finish at River Park. A family fun day will then be held from 12pm at the PCYC on Young Road. A flag raising ceremony will take place at Squire Park prior to the march. Legal Aid NSW will also be on deck at the PCYC from 12pm with free birth certificates available to eligible residents.

Eligibility for a free birth certificate is as follows:

1. Be experiencing financial hardship (on full Centrelink or no income). and
2. Have not received a free birth certificatein the last year. and be:

  • living In, or have lived In out-of- homecare, or
  • a victim of family or domestic violence, or
  • living with low or no literacy, or
  • homeless or at risk of homelessness. or
  • under 18 end not in education or employment, or
  • living with a mental illness or cognitive impairment, or be
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

DV Aware Virtual Workshop

Lifeline Central West is offering 2hr DV-aware virtual sessions aimed at laying the foundations to understanding and responding to domestic and family violence issues. DV-aware sessions are free of charge to all community members over the age of 18 as they are funded by the Department of Social Services.

We have the following final virtual workshops available for the financial year:

Wednesday 28th June 2023 (2pm-4pm AEST/NSW Time)
Register here: https://www.dvalert.org.au/2-hour-dv-aware-virtual-815-9684-4440-cselif06442

Thursday 29th June 2023 (10am-12pm AEST/NSW Time)
Register here: https://www.dvalert.org.au/enrolment-forms/2-hour-dv-aware-virtual-828-8953-9064-cselif06444

Cowra Refugee Week Activity

The Migrant & Refugee Support Service and Rotary Literacy group invite you to Refugee Week event for Cowra Wednesday 21 June 2023, at Nguluway Room, (behind the library) 77 Darling Street, Cowra.

10.30am for morning tea.

Featuring a Refugee Guest Speaker (s) Morning tea provided. RSVP 0409 458 156. All Welcome!

Active And Creative Kids Program To Change

The NSW Government is making the Active and Creative Kids voucher programs more sustainable by introducing a new and permanent means-tested scheme from Term 1 next year.

This will ensure around 600,000 schoolaged kids in NSW can continue to participate in sports and creative programs across the state by helping low and middle income families with cost-of-living pressures.

The new voucher will be for $50 and will be issued twice a year, at the start of terms 1 and 3, beginning in 2024.

It will cover activities currently available under both the Active Kids and Creative Kids voucher programs.

The NSW Government and the Commonwealth Government will partner to share information on NSW families receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A. These families – almost half in NSW covering around 600,000 (out of 1.35 million total) school-aged children – will be able to access the vouchers.

The cost of the new Active and Creative Kids voucher program starting in 2024 is estimated at $28 million per year. As an interim measure, the current Active Kids and Creative Kids vouchers will be extended from July 1 2023 until the new scheme is in place from 1 February 2024. The interim vouchers will be to the value of $50 for school-aged children.

School-aged children will also be eligible for a new $50 Creative Kids voucher from 1 July if they have not yet used their existing 2023 Creative Kids voucher.

The First Lap swim voucher program will be extended for 12 months, to the value of $50.

Chris Minns, NSW Premier said:

“This is a tough but economically responsible decision.

“I want kids from low and middle income families participating in sport, creative activities and learning to swim.

Yellow House Cowra

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