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Skilled Migration Regional Visa Roadshow Visits Cowra

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Central West Regional Outreach Visa Information Session
Central West Regional Outreach Visa Information Session

Regional Development Australia Central West (RDA Central West) has partnered with the Department of Home Affairs to deliver a series of free information sessions on visa options for employing workers in regional Australia, and held a workshop in Cowra last Thursday, May 27.

RDA Central West CEO, Sam Harma said the information sessions were a great opportunity for local businesses to learn more about skilled migration visa options.

“The Skilled Migration Program is making an important contribution to the region’s economy and is also providing more options for employers who cannot fill a position with local labour,” he said.

“In some regions employers are struggling to find the right skilled staff The information session was free and well-attended.

For more information, visit www.homeaffairs.gov.au/working-in-australia or www.rdacentralwest.org.au

For any questions, please contact RDA Central West on (02) 6369 1600 or by emailing migration@rdacentralwest.org.au local Land Services on 1300 795 299, or to their local police station on 131 444.

Yellow House Cowra

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