Sign For A Change: Council Candidate

Cowra Council 2021 Election candidate Donna Peters says she will advocate for the entry signs of the Cowra township to be updated if elected on December 4. Presently, the signs make reference for Cowra being the “tidiest town in NSW” in 2002, and the “friendliest town in NSW” in 2006, however Mrs Peters said she felt as though these references were very outdated and needed to refresh. “Cowra is a friendly little town but I wonder why we only talk about that as in the past. We are so friendly these days that Chris Hemsworth has chosen Cowra for his next holiday,” she said.
“It’s time now for a sign of change to reflect our new image for the current decade.”
“Yes we were probably tidy way back in 2002 as the sign suggests, and our tidiness may have slipped a bit since then but that’s easily fixed. If we remove the graffiti and keep our riverbank tidy surely that’ll put our little town back on track.” Mrs Peters said some ideas as to what new town welcome signs could say included “Cowra - a bicycle friendly town”, “Cowra - Chris Hemsworth’s next holiday destination,” or “Cowra - site of the largest WW2 breakout.”
“It’s time to start a conversation about it,” she said.
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