Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Nitrogen Use Efficiency Tips

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Here are my top five strategies for nitrogen use efficiency in cropping systems on the Central Tablelands:

1. Clean Fallow. 2012 research done by NSW DPI researcher, Colin McMaster showed that for every 1mm of soil moisture conserved by spraying weeds, you stopped the loss of 0.56kg of nitrogen loss/Ha.

2. Integrate legumes in your rotation. Approx. 25kgs N/Ha can be fixed per 1 tonne of legume biomass grown this equates to an approx. $140/Ha saving.

3. Soil test. Knowing the numbers has the potential to save money and maximise nitrogen fixation in legumes by addressing soil constraints.

4. Refine your rotation to suit the 2021 stubble load. With the large cereal stubsions more pulses and/or pasture legumes.

By Phil Cranney,
Local Land Services


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