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Felicity's Road To Paris, How You Can Help Her Ride To Success

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Felicity Weal, and her horse Max are hoping to qualify for the Paris 2024 Paralympics by qualifying in October.

Cowra local, Felicity Weal has a big dream, to be able to compete in the 2024 Paris Paralympics qualifying event in Para-Dressage.

After an accident which left Felicity with a spinal injury in 2017, leaving her wheelchair bound, Felicity has returned to dressage riding, something she has loved since a child.

Upon her return after the accident, Felicity has become more determined than ever to make her goal of representing her country at the Paralympics in ParaDressage a reality.

“My ambition is to represent my beloved country on the world stage in Equestrian.

I have been riding for as long as I can remember and the more I go down this path, the more it becomes clear that I am skilled and determined enough to make this goal a reality.” explains Felicity

Felicity has certainly put in the hard yards, with training three times a week with her horse, Max, gym sessions and swimming to ensure they are both in the best possible form for the qualifying events.

Having competed in several prestigious equestrian events in the lead up to the qualifying round in October, Felicity feels as though she is more than ready to be successful in October.

To achieve this dream, Felicity needs to compete in qualifying events, the next in October 2023 and needs your support to make her dreams a reality.

“I would love to attend this event with my horse Max, as this also doubles up as the Australian Para-Dressage Nationals, and that means I am able to meet and see a lot of other para riders who I don’t get the chance to meet because of my location. The para community is incredibly supportive so I would love the opportunity also to cheer on my fellow riders”

The event will be held at Boneo Park on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia. Being that it is a CPEDI (Internationally sanctioned event), it will come with extra costs such as longer stable and accommodation fees.

With costs close to $3000, Felicity is hoping the Cowra Community can help support her dream by donating through the website, https://asf.org.au/projects/felicitys-first-paralympic-qualifying-event.

Felicity also hopes to share her story to inspire others to not give up on their dreams. “Don’t give up when things are hard and just give it a go, you never know what you can achieve until you have tried.” Felicity.

For more information on Felicities story, you can follow her on social media, Felicity Weal Para Equestrian


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