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Federal election is about delivery and a plan for the future: McCormack

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Michael McCormack MP

Federal Member for Riverina and Nationals candidate for the 21 May election Michael McCormack is urging voters to consider his record of delivery for the region and who can better manage the economy when casting their ballots at the poll.

Mr McCormack said he had been a strong advocate for Cowra Shire residents and had delivered once-in-a-generation road and community infrastructure improvements as well supporting residents and their jobs through one of the worst droughts in living memory, a mouse plague and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Nationals in Coalition have a strong plan for the future,” Mr McCormack said.

“The Government outlined our plan in the recent Budget which will set us on the best path to continue to grow the economy, to continue to support those who need it most and to continue to deliver for the regions, which have never previously seen the level of funding this Government has delivered through initiatives such as the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program which I put in place as Deputy Prime Minister,” Mr McCormack said.

Mr McCormack said the Drought Communities Programme was delivering many projects which were saving and creating jobs and improving lives in Cowra Shire, such as building a new hall for Wattamondara residents, installing a community kitchen for users of the Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre and refurbishing the Billimari Hall.

The program has funded repairs and improvements at the Morongola Showground, a bike training circuit at Europa Park and disabled and ambulant amenities at Woodstock Soldiers Memorial Hall.

The Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program has delivered upgraded lighting, sound, audio visual and cinema equipment within the Cowra Civic Centre and funding improvements to the Cowra Visitor Centre and Waugoola House.

Some $4.6 million has been allocated to Cowra Shire Council through LRCI for scores of community-building infrastructure projects.

“A combined all abilities basketball and netball court will be built by the Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre for thanks to a Stronger Communities Programme grant and the Cowra Show Society has been able to weather the cancellation of shows due to COVID thanks to the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days Program.

Young people in Cowra now have direct access to headspace mental health services with the opening of an office at 118 Kendal Street as part of a $111.3 million commitment to establish 30 new headspace services.

“These are just a small number of examples of how the Government has shown its faith in and supported Cowra Shire residents and community organisations.”

Mr McCormack said the Government’s response to the pandemic had saved 700,000 jobs and tens of thousands of lives throughout Australia.

“These are challenging times, but the Liberal and Nationals’ team have a plan for our future,” Mr McCormack said.

“Our plan will deliver more jobs, with national unemployment below 4 per cent and unemployment in the Riverina and Central West even lower than that.

“Our plan will deliver tax relief for workers and small businesses, will invest in roads, rail, water infrastructure and renewable energy technology, will make record investments in health and other essential services and invest in stronger defence, security and borders.”


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