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Cowra Celebrates Festival Success

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Cowra Shire Council Mayor, Ruth Fagan, Cowra Youth Council’s Laura Price and Italian Amabassador to Australia, Paolo Crudele presenting Laura with a certificate of achievement at the festival.

The Italian Ambassador to Australia has praised Cowra’s 59th annual Festival of International Understanding as a memorable event, cementing the special relationship between Italy and Cowra.

His excellency Paolo Crudele wrote to Mayor Ruth Fagan to offer his heartfelt thanks for the warmth of the welcome and hospitality from the whole town of Cowra.

He said the Festival gave him the opportunity to experience a glimpse of life in beautiful Cowra, surrounded by friendly people.

“Moreover, the Ceremony at the Cowra POW Camp held immense significance for the Embassy and for the whole Italian Community in NSW and ACT. I was really moved by how well the monument to the Italian soldiers and the whole camp are kept and meeting the daughter of a former Italian prisoner represented a touching moment for all participants,” said Ambassador Crudele.

“The Italian cypress planted in Brougham Park will grow tall and strong like the first tree planted in 1969,” Ambassador Crudele said.

Mayor Fagan said she was very pleased with the Festival and the large number of people who participated in all of the events.

She congratulated the ten Youth Ambassadors on their involvement. They enjoyed a visit to the Italian Embassy as well as hosting the Trivia Quiz night and the Festival Dinner at the Showground.

The Ambassadors also raised money for local charities and helped raise awareness of their supporting clubs.

Guest nation, Italy, was a popular country and there was a great array of Italian cultural school projects on display in the shop windows as well as on the Parade floats.

Special guests from the Embassy of Italy in Canberra, included Mr. Paolo Crudele and his wife Sara, Consulate General of Italy in Sydney, Italian Defence Attache’s Mayor Fagan said she would like to thank all those who contributed to the festival’s success, including volunteers, performers, sponsors, and attendees.

“Your hard work and dedication have helped to strengthen bonds within our community and foster greater understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.”


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