Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra CBD Rejuvination

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Caption: Mayor of Cowra, Cr Bill West said that Council will be advertising for business and to join a committee to reactivate the Cowra

Cowra CBD reactivation set to rejuvenate retail hub Cowra Shire Council have agreed to establish a committee to help reactivate and rejuvenate the Cowra CBD. The committee, which will have representatives from council, business, tourism and the community, will make recommendations on the development and oversight of the agreed strategy to activate the CBD.

Cowra Shire Council Mayor Bill West said the need to reinvigorate the CBD was necessary.

“Council’s recently adopted strategic plans have articulated the desire of councillors to give greater focus to the CBD of Cowra,” Mayor West said. “We want to consult with business and the wider community as well as other partners from the business sector to other levels of government to ensure we get the best possible outcome,” he said.

The committee membership will comprise of up to five councillors, five business representatives, three community members and a member each from tourism and Business Cowra.

“The next steps will be for us to advertise EOI for business and community representatives and then for councillor members of the committee to review applications and recommend appointments to council,” said Mayor West.

“By September it is hoped we can have the inaugural meeting of the CBD Committee.”

The reactivation will cover from Kendal Street from the eastern end of the main traffic bridge to the Somerset Street intersection and one block either side to Liverpool and Vaux Streets. It will also encapsulate Redfern Street from the Lachlan Street intersection to the intersection with Bourke Street – which corresponds with the E3 – Productivity Support land-use zoning.

“Council’s strategic planning documents demonstrate Council’s clear objective to provide a greater focus of activity within the CBD of Cowra and we believe these steps are taking us in the right direction.”


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