Steph Cooke

Cowra Bridge Club News

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


On Monday eight and a half tables played a Mitchell. It was great to see a new player , Annette Udall playing for the first time on a Monday and gaining a win on the EW side.

NS – 1st – Marianna Xerri and Eugene Marais 62.17%
2nd – Marie Delaney and Sally Delaney 57.35%
3rd – Derrian Walsh and Phi Millard 52.65%
4th – Jenni Fagan and Geoff Casey 1 5.85%
Ew – 1st – Cathy Wooid and Annette Udall 61.61%
2nd – John McLaren and Nola Johnston 55.95%
3rd – Alayne Gouge and Anne Loveridge 55.06%
4th – Dee Oliver and Joan Roots 2 5.38%

On the first Tuesday in October a club round of the UHMP event will be held with prizes for under 25 and under 50 Masterpoints as well overall prizes for under 100 Masterpoints.

Wednesday night bridge will return on 28th September. Joan Roots id taking names for that bridge. Bridge will start at 4.45pm with a dinner break at 5.50pm.

Cowra Bowling Club

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Steph Cooke