Steph Cooke

Council Candidates Benefit From Seminars

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

IMAGE: First time Cowra Shire Council candidates Donna Peters, Alex Cozadinos, Sharon D’Elboux and Rebecca Morgan.
IMAGE: First time Cowra Shire Council candidates Donna Peters, Alex Cozadinos, Sharon D’Elboux and Rebecca Morgan.

Cowra Shire Council candidate Donna Peters says the two local government election information sessions held in Cowra last week proved beneficial for first time candidates like herself.

According to Cowra Shire Council, last Friday’s Local Government NSW seminar was very successful, with 12 candidates from both the Weddin and Cowra Shires attending.

Council also confirmed last Saturday’s seminar, specifically for female candidates, had 14 attendees, including a councillor from Hilltops Shire Council, a councillor from Weddin Shire Council and Councillors Judi Smith and Ruth Fagan from Cowra Shire Council, who provided advice and answered questions.

Ms Peters said the information was valu-able in preparing for the elections.

“I was grateful for the opportunity to meet other candidates and General Manager Paul Devery, while learning about Council’s accountability and councillors’ responsibilities,” she said.

Fellow first-time Council candidates at the Friday session included Alex Cozadinos, Rebecca Morgan and Sharon D’Elboux. Mr Cozadinos said it cemented his thoughts that if he’s elected, it won’t just be about him.

“It will be both a responsibility and a privilege to do what I can for my community; the privilege of looking after the community,” he said.

Ms Morgan said she learned about the external organisations that she would need to work with to advocate effectively for Cowra. “It will allow me the opportunity to support the people of Cowra Shire and champion the causes that are close to their hearts,” she said.

Ms D’Elboux said the session boosted her long term knowledge of and experience in local government .

“With a 20 year career in local government, I am most confident I will be able to serve the residents of Cowra Shire from day 1 post-election,” she said.

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Steph Cooke