Elders Emms Mooney – Above

ANZAC Day Parade and Commemorative Services for 2022

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


The Ceremonial Committee of Cowra RSL sub-Branch have finalised the ANZAC Day preparations for 2022. On behalf of the President and Members of the Cowra RSL sub-Branch and the Mayor and Councillors of the Cowra Shire, we welcome all Service members, Ex-Service members, visitors and the people of Cowra to participate in Commemorating ANZAC Day this year.

ANZAC Day is a day to remember and thank those service men and women who gave their time and life to repel oppression, and to fight for a way of living that we today enjoy as a free nation. We commemorate those who sacrificed their lives in the many conflicts around the world in the last 108 years since the commencement of World War 1.

Every man, woman and child will commemorate those who served and still serve in our Army, Navy and Airforce in their own way. There will be those who will light up the Dawn in their driveways, there will be many who will join the ranks at the Cowra Dawn Service in front of the Cenotaph and those who live in the smaller villages and communities will commemorate at their local Memorial. But wherever your services are held we are all their for the same reason, and

“All though their numbers were many,
They shall never be faceless,
Our Soldiers, our Sailors,
Our Airmen and Women and our Nurses,
To the foe shall be Nameless,
But today and tomorrow we will stand in awe.
Of our servicemen and women

The ANZAC Day Service for Cowra is:

Dawn Service: 0550hrs (5.50am) Veterans, Ex-Service Personnel and Serving Men and Women form up in Bartlett Street under the control of the Parade Commander who will march the parade to the Cenotaph in Brisbane Street, for the Dawn Service at 06:00 hrs [6.00am], which will be hosted by Mr Stephen Overman, Cowra RSL sub-Branch President. Following the service breakfast will be served upstairs in the Services Club with the door opening at 06:30 hrs. Members of the Cowra RSL and the public are invited to attend. The cost for the breakfast will be $20. RSL members must advise the Secretary by COB Thursday 21st if they intend to have breakfast.

Cowra Police advise that Motor Vehicles should not be left parked overnight on the eastern side of Brisbane Street between Kendal and Bartlett Street’s, i.e. In front of the Cenotaph.

War Cemetery: 09:30 hrs (9.30am] a short service will be held at the Cowra Australian War Cemetery and will be hosted by Mr Tony Mooney, OAM member of Cowra RSL sub-Branch.

Morning Service: Parade Formation and Community Wreath Laying. At 10:20 hrs (10.20 am) in front of the Cenotaph, participants under the command of Parade Commander Vic Capare, are to form up, in the pre-determined “Order of March”. Please respect the requests from the Parade marshal’s if you are asked to move or shunt your contingent to the back or front, if required.

Our Guard of Honour this year is Alamein Company of the Royal Military College, Duntroon, under the command of Captain Christopher Portlock and Sergeant David King. We have hosted Alamein Company for many years now and we look forward to hosting them again.

The Flag Party, consisting of Flags, Banners and Pennants respective of those marching, will be provided by Cadets from 200 Australian Army Cadets, South West Slopes, 2 platoon Cowra, under the command of Captain (AAC) Chief Vogel.

A taxi has been provided by Lachlan Radio Cabs free of charge to convey disabled veterans in the march. Please speak to the driver if you require this assistance and the taxi also has wheelchair access.

The Wreath Laying Service will commence when the Parade is assembled and when concluded, the march to River Park will take place.

The March: Marching to a designated point to conduct a commemorative service is Traditional and Symbolic. It originally provided Soldiers with the opportunity to “march away from the battlefield to a quiet place where they could commemorate the loss of their comrades.” Today the march is symbolic, but its meaning is not lost to those who returned.

River Park Service: will commence at 11:00 hrs (11.00am) and this year the President of Cowra RSL Sub-Branch, Mr Stephen Overman, will be the MC for the Service. Officiating at the Service will be MAJ Sharon Coulter from the Salvation Army who is the Chaplain for Cowra RSL sub-Branch. Guest Speakers will be Captain Peter Dowton, Royal Australian Navy and a Staff Cadet’s from Alamein Company.

Mrs. Lisa Flanagan will provide the vocal lead for the singing of hymns and the School Captains from St. Raphael’s and Cowra High will participate by reading from the Order of Service.

Railway Memorial Service will be held at 12:30 hrs (12.30pm) with a wreath laying service conducted at the Railway Memorial situated at the Rail Heritage site.

All Service and Ex-service personnel who are participating in any of the ANZAC Day services are reminded to wear Full Size Medals & Decorations; Miniature Medals should not be worn.

PLEASE NOTE: The Cowra RSL sub-Branch will not be providing a luncheon, however meals can be purchased from the Cowra Services Club Bistro.

Children and Relative’s representing deceased Veterans are invited and encouraged to march on this special day, wearing the veteran’s Medals on their Right Breast. Under the guidance of the Parade Marshalls, you are requested to fall in under the “Relatives of Veterans” Banner at the rear of the Main Contingent.

HOWEVER IT IS UNSAFE for our elderly Veterans and for young children when they participate in the main parade contingent (Veterans contingent) together.

Members of the public are invited to attend all commemorative events during the day and to display the Australian National Flag and hand wavers during the Ceremonies and March.

Any further information may be obtained by contacting the Cowra RSL sub-Branch Secretary on 02 6342 3540.

This Press Release is authorised by Kenneth Guihot, Secretary, on behalf of Stephen Overman, President Cowra RSL.


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