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Anzac Day Commemorated In Cowra

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

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Cowra Mayor Ruth Fagan lays a wreath on behalf of the Cowra community.

Cowra RSL sub-Branch began ANZAC Day commemorations on Wednesday 24th April by presenting services at Weeroona and Bilyara Nursing Homes.

The residents of Weroona gathered in an outdoor courtyard and were joined by a group of children from Carinya Daycare who had spent the previous day baking Anzac biscuits and making wreaths.

At Bilyara, residents gathered in the common room to share in the service. At both services, Acting President Vic Capare welcomed everyone and spoke briefly on the meaning of ANZAC and the reasons we commemorate it

Sergeant Major Dudley Nicholson from the Salvation Army led the prayers. Wreaths were laid for each of the armed services by RSL members and residents laid wreaths from their nursing homes, followed by the Last Post, the Ode and Reveille. Both the New Zealand and Australian National Anthems were played to conclude the ceremonies.

ANZAC Day itself began with the dawn service. A large crowd gathered in the early morning chill to commemorate this solemn occasion. Members of the Cowra Cadets mounted an Honour Guard at the Cenotaph. After the parade formed up and marched to the Cenotaph the service was led by Acting President, Vic Capare, who, in his address, spoke of the sacrifice of servicemen in all conflicts. The RSL Padre, Lieutenant Jodie McInness led the prayers and wreaths were laid to represent the armed forces and conflicts in which servicemen had been involved.

The Cowra Vocal Ensemble presented moving renditions of Abide With Me and the Recessional accompanied by the Cowra Band.

After the playing of the Last Post, the Ode and Reveille, the service concluded with the singing of the New Zealand and Australian National Anthems.

The Dawn Service was followed by the Morning Wreath Laying Service, held at the Cenotaph. Once again, following a forty-year tradition, cadets from Alamein Company, Royal Military College, joined RSL sub-Branch members and visiting service and ex-service personnel in this part of the commemoration. The service was led by Acting President, Vic Capare and he was joined by RSL Padre, Lieutenant Jodie McInness. Many community groups and organisations laid wreaths at the Cenotaph, at which had an honour guard from Cowra Cadets was posted. The cadets also acted as flag and banner bearers for the service.

This service was followed by the march to River Park for the Community Service. The march was led by the Cowra band, followed by Alamein Company. Cars provided by the Cowra Classic Car Club were used to transport those veterans who were unable to march in the parade.

The Community Service included an address by Cowra Shire Mayor, Ruth Fagan and the Commemoration Address given by representatives of the Royal Military College.

The Cowra RSL sub-Branch would like to thank all those who participated in and attended the services.


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